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The future leader - adapting to the new work culture

Uncertainty has become more of a norm today in business activities and operations. Tried and tested processes have shifted, and leaders face the challenge of taking their organisations into unknown territories. Business processes are driven by the necessity to manage during disruption and deliver a productive and safe environment without impacting the team or culture. The pandemic was a defining period for many leaders, as it demanded accelerated agility and taking a new path without a predefined playbook.

The qualities of a leader

While there is no specific standard when considering the qualities of a leader, agility and consistency are critical for scaling organisations. It’s vital to have a clear vision and the ability to convey this vision to the team and enable everyone to be actively involved.

Business leaders must prioritise empowering their teams and creating a culture of collaboration and innovation. Creating a culture that enables the sharing of concepts and creativity is critical. Leaders should inspire their workforce, collaborate and share insights, rather than keep their ideas to themselves and ignore outside ideas. Implementing this way of working requires guidance and team motivation, not just focusing solely on the individual opinions of leadership.

Creative and efficient leadership

For most businesses, the early days involve many challenges. They often experience scepticism and uncertainty from potential investors, and during this stage, resilience becomes critical. Business leaders must have the confidence to work through these challenges. Adaptability is equally essential in this form of leadership. The business world is changing continuously, and the ability to adapt and adjust strategies could define the level of success. Business leaders must be agile and prepared to adapt to the inevitable changes in business.

Being empathetic

Recognising the emotions and needs of employees is critical, especially during challenging periods. It requires understanding each individual and providing the necessary support and guidance.

Working through times of uncertainty

The pandemic was a unique time without a playbook to guide and support us. One particular outcome was how it created a level playing field, where CEOs or PAs were personally and professionally impacted. Many leaders face the challenges of redefining expectations and prioritising this sense of connection. The focus has shifted towards employee well-being and leading with empathy and authenticity. Leaders must do more than tell their team what to do; they must demonstrate those behaviours.

At a time when remote and hybrid working is becoming more popular, leaders must find a balance that tackles the needs of their teams while supporting a culture of trust and accountability. A successful culture that supports collaboration and accountability is critical in guiding teams effectively through the evolving business landscape.

Creating a culture of trust

The evolving culture requires a leader who can balance business progress and incorporate empathy for the workforce. Instead of looking at the work-life balance, it's important to recognise the existence of both work and personal lives and how to enable both sides to prosper. In today’s interconnected world, people are often balancing their work and personal responsibilities, and it’s vital that a leader recognises the priorities and maintains a balance.

Striving for empathy and authenticity

Today’s leader isn’t about dictating how work should be performed but being capable of inspiring and enabling others to succeed. Leaders must recognise what is happening in their organisation and how it impacts employee behaviour and performance.

Authenticity has become a priority, enabling leaders to be more approachable and relatable. Creating a personal connection is a leadership feature that defines leaders today.

Promoting Positivity

This shift in empathy and authenticity requires prioritising positive habits from home and the workplace. Focusing on habits that build a culture of communication and respect can create a healthier and more engaged workplace.

Reflect before reacting

A defining feature of a leader is the ability to reflect and respond accordingly to situations. Leaders must display resilience when experiencing challenges, and it's critical to adapt and manage these situations effectively.

Leaders must create a clear strategy and effectively communicate it to their team. Often, employees will find it challenging when they fail to recognise the goal, so it's critical to clearly define and reinforce this strategy. Leaders must also acknowledge the thoughts and concepts of their team before making decisions. The other priority for leaders is driving an authentic culture. As leaders, being authentic and displaying this to your team is critical. Authenticity enables everyone to feel welcomed and enabled to share their ideas. It’s about creating a culture where respect and collaboration can progress. A culture defined by collaboration and respect is vital for any business leader. A strong and positive culture is the starting point for building successful leadership. 

Financial success will develop through the establishment of a great culture. The future for leaders will be challenging, but businesses must redefine leadership and prioritise a culture of trust, collaboration, resilience and shared values that create well-being and success.