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How workplace culture defines business progression

What defines and enables a business to succeed? Ignoring skills development or failing to implement the right technologies are key factors, but what should be considered a top priority with overall business success is workplace culture. 

Culture is critical to delivering a high-performing talent management plan as it influences all parts of an employee's working life, from well-being and productivity to career development and future business success. Considering these factors, having a toxic workplace represents a significant barrier to growth and success. Still, despite the benefits, studies suggest that 75% of employees have experienced a toxic workplace culture.

If businesses want to ensure their talent strategy enables growth and success, they must prioritise the development of a positive and healthy working environment. How can companies adapt and strengthen their workplace culture?

Prioritising skills development

Skills development is essential in creating a healthy and supportive work environment. When companies support their employees with learning and growth opportunities, it strengthens workplace engagement. Businesses must support and empower their employees by developing and building a skillset that enables them to progress beyond their existing roles. 

Studies suggest a disconnect between how employers and employees view the skill potential of a business. Recent studies show that over 40% of employees feel their organisation provides the necessary resources for skills development. Data indicates a significant confidence gap between businesses and their employees. To reduce this gap, companies must focus on providing skills development opportunities, additional coaching and mentoring for their employees.

A more customised and structured career guidance system will assure employees that their skills and career progression are paramount. Strengthening workforce confidence through this approach means businesses can transform their culture.

Building on well-being

Well-being has become a priority for employees in recent years. Studies suggest that over 60% of the UK workforce consider their well-being as low, with job challenges cited as a priority issue. Well-being is paramount for a positive workplace culture. Businesses have a critical need to ensure their talent is mentally in a positive place, but data suggests that under 30% of UK businesses have implemented a working environment where employees are supportive of everyone. 

A successful learning and development strategy should prioritise collaboration, with well-being at its core. For example, businesses can create high-quality learning materials that focus on well-being challenges in the workplace.

Embracing new technologies

A high-performing workplace environment is agile and focused on growth. So, businesses focusing on cultural development must also embrace technology, especially AI, eliminating some of the more intensive work activities. 

Despite the clear benefits of implementing AI, only 38% of UK businesses apply it in their talent plans. There are suggestions for the lack of adoption, with confidence and knowledge of technology being one of the main factors. It is critical to question whether adopting AI hinders progression in workplace culture. The technology can be very beneficial to transforming a business environment, enabling a tailored approach to learning and development to automate activities and allow employees to focus on priority areas. 

Considering the benefits, it's vital to understand how to reduce technology anxiety so the workplace can embrace the opportunities with AI. Businesses must recognise any concerns surrounding the adoption of AI and determine how best to address these issues. Business leaders should then highlight the importance of implementing AI slowly alongside their employees, maintaining the human element to reduce risk or potential errors in an organisation. Adopting a balanced approach to implementing new technologies will reduce anxiety and ensure workplace culture positively transforms. 

Redefining the workplace culture

A workplace culture can result in stagnation or be a drive for innovation and progression. The factors discussed are all critical in creating the necessary steps to enable individual and business growth. The businesses that focus on transforming culture will provide new energy to their team and will likely experience more success.